Your Midweek Links: Surviving Survivor Series

All the Survivor Series takes your heart can handle and then some!
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So, you're on the precipice of a long weekend, one where you'll be gorging on side dishes and pies and watching copious amounts of football. But what about the times when your family starts a battle royale over politics? Or you're sitting on the sofa, unable to do anything but grab your laptop or phone, but also unable to fall asleep from the food stupor you put yourself into? Well, have I got the solution for you. LINKS! LINKS! LINKS! The best links from the wrestling world all before you, like a buffet for your mind. Read! Nourish your brain! ENTERTAIN YOURSELF!

Survivor Series happened, and if you missed it, read my review so you know what to watch, what to look forward to, and when to turn that sumbitch off so you don't get yourself irrationally pissed off at WWE booking. [The Wrestling Blog]

Butch has the event that happened the night before covered for you too, Takeover: War Games. [The Wrestling Blog]

Linking back to TWB three times this week, because it's important to realize that victims of sexual assault should have your support in their accusations, even if their targets are beloved, like Mick Foley. [The Wrestling Blog]

WarGames was the centerpiece main event for the NXT show, and David Gibb has the rundown as to why it's an important match style. [Wrestledelphia]

Ian Williams takes a look at Survivor Series through the lens of its "brand supremacy" and found that, no, no one really gives a crap about it. [VICE Sports]

Want to get to know the alpha HOSS of New Japan Pro Wrestling, Tomohiro Ishii? Guilherme Jaeger has your hookup. [Medium]

Even if you missed the matches this weekend, check out what Sam DiMascio had to say about them in preview and get hyped to watch them on demand. [Spandex Are Still Cool]

JJ McGee continues his look at Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens by examining five different turns and a redemption. [The Spectacle of Excess]

WWE isn't the only game in town, as Captain Lou took a look at New Japan's Tag League action. [Happy Wrestling Land!]

NON-WRESTLING #1: Justice League is a hot topic around movie circles, but Elle Collins has their take on whom they want to play the members of JL International, a more lighthearted take on the superhero team-up. [SyFy Wire]

NON-WRESTLING #2: So your mom has been fired midseason and you need an interim mother to cook dinner. No worries, Action Cookbook has you covered in this spoof of college football midyear firings through the lens of family. [Every Day Should Be Saturday]


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