
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Airing of Grievances: The Oldest Tag

Oh god, the grievances with him are a mile long Photo Credit: "I got a lot of problems with you people!" � Frank Costanza (as played by Jerry Stiller in Seinfeld season nine, episode ten, "The Strike") Festivus is technically tomorrow, but I'm not posting on a Saturday, so you get your grievances today. It's really just one grievance, and it's not even with everyone this time around. It may not even be with "you" people. It might only just be with one person who doesn't even read this blog and isn't concerned with my happiness as long as he can snow enough of, well, "you" people into buying his shit and glorifying his name. I'm talking about Paul Levesque, better known to the wrestling world at large as Triple H. For those who don't know, I have a longstanding beef with Triple H. The only time I've ever really liked him as a performer was in the sweet spot right after Shawn Michaels went on his two year sa

NXT In 120 Seconds

Instant Classic, Part the Third Photo Credit: Killian Dain: is there The Artists Formerly Known As ReDragon: quick tag in and out, land blows to little or no effect then regroup on the floor Eric Young: tags in, executes a falling forearm Demolition Decapitation Bobby Fish: clotheslines his feet from the floor to sweep him into the apron   TAFKARD: try their quick tags and strikes against the smaller opponent far more successfully E.Y.: gets a desperation neckbreaker on O'Reilly Fish: tags in and tags Killian, drawing him into the ring  Hey, ref!  Chicanery!  Attempted chicanery! Referee: Big man!  Back on the apron!  Come on, you know the rules. E.Y.: low bridges Fish out after booting him in the face, eventually orients himself and goes for the tag Kyle O'Reilly: NOPE!  picks the ankle E.Y.: kicks him away YUP!  tags out K.O.R.: Oh, mittens. KD: Avalanches!  Running senton/shotgun dropkick combo!  Michinoku one onto the other! Fish, the Other: Barely saving still co

TH Prediction Watch: Grading 2017 Twitter Predictions for Accuracy

I got this reunion right and not much else Photo Credit: Predictions are a tricky thing. Because the future is unwritten and volatile, few can read the tea leaves and come out accurately 100 percent of the time. However, that doesn't stop anyone from trying. I try not to engage in the practice, but last year, I did one of those "one like, one prediction" gimmicks for wrestling. I made somewhere close to 100 predictions, and while many of them were wrong, some of them were right! I'm going to list all the predictions I made here and then catalog how correct they were. 1. Kenny Omega will win the IWGP Title on January 4. Simple enough to start, right? � Gold, Frankensteiner, and Myrrh (@tholzerman) December 24, 2016 Well, ya boy TH was wrong right out of the gate. Omega did not defeat Kazuchika Okada, even though the match did get six stars from Dave Meltzer. 2. The Shield will reunite in an official capacity, and thanks to the magic of WWE storytelling, no one

Your Midweek Links: Only Four Reading Days Before Christmas

Lots of chatter about the women's Rumble Photo Credit: So, Christmas is almost upon the world. Either you're at your office, whiling down time until you can take off, or you've taken off and are frantically shopping for last minute gifts. Either way, take some time out and read the good stuff. That's right, a whole lot of people are writing bomb-ass shit about pro wrestling. Why don't you settle down, pull up some of these here hyperlinks, and edify yourself before you go crazy from holiday fever? The YEAR END BLOWOUT is in full effect. Catch up with it here. [ The Wrestling Blog ] The women's Royal Rumble was announced Monday, and I had a few thoughts on it, mainly that Stephanie McMahon ruins everything with her bullshit pandering and framing. [ The Wrestling Blog ] Nick Piccone also has some thoughts about it, mainly that it's about goddamn time WWE has a Rumble match for its female competitors. [ Medium ] Mohamed looked at WWE's 2017 since it

Year End Sorting Bins: Well, Sure, Maybe, I Guess, Perhaps

He can do good shit, but man, Ospreay just is a turnoff otherwise Photo Credit: NJPW website The next category in the sorting bins is "Begrudging Toleration." These wrestlers are as the bin name says, those I tolerate. I don't actively hate them like I do in the other category, but if they're on screen, well, I'm probably going for the other person. Additionally, this and the next two boxes will not have writeups for everyone, because do you want me to be here the rest of the year just writing this one up? Without further ado... Will Ospreay - The shame part is that Ospreay is a pretty good performer, great sometimes. Every time I see him in the ring, it's like I'm watching the future of wrestling unfold in front of my eyes. That being said, the dude faves racist tweets, bitches and moans about people stealing moves that he borrowed three degrees from the original, and is notoriously bad at Twitter. Every time I wanna feel good about watching him, he give

On the Women's Royal Rumble and Framing

See something wrong with this pic? Photo Credit: The Royal Rumble is approaching, and for the last few months, rumors have been flying about a second Rumble match for the women. Last night, those rumors became incarnate, as the women's Rumble match was announced to close RAW. WWE set the table for it with reintroducing Paige and debuting five women from NXT, and having the entire RAW women's roster out to brawl around the ring was the perfect canvas to bring it all home. However, in typical WWE fashion, rather than using said brawl to set up the match for storyline reasons, it had Stephanie McMahon come out, eyes affixed on her, so she could talk about how WWE was such a force for good by only recently giving women what they should have had all along. Of course, it's nothing new that WWE does this kind of corporate self-back-patting, especially when it comes to women. While the company has cultivated a strong roster of female wrestlers, the person at the forefront

The Wrestling Blog's OFFICIAL Best in the World Rankings for December 18, 2017

Miss u, Carrie Photo Credit: Lucasfilm Welcome to a feature I like to call "Best in the World" rankings. They're not traditional power rankings per se, but they're rankings to see who is really the best in the world, a term bandied about like it's bottled water or something else really common. They're rankings decided by me, and don't you dare call them arbitrary lest I smack the taste out of your mouth. Without further ado, here's this week's list: 1. Carrie Fisher (Last Week: Not Ranked) - I could have put nearly anyone from Star Wars, Episode VIII: The Last Jedi here, but Fisher has a special place in my heart for obvious reasons. It's my favorite installment in the franchise. Like, I saw it Saturday night and I'm still buzzing about it, both as a fan and as a critical thinker about art, even if it's corporately-produced art enriching the Disney Corporation. Fisher's final living turn as General Leia Organa (I have no doubt she

Promotions to Watch: Game Changer Wrestling

Janela's a huge reason to follow Game Changer Wrestling Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein Death match wrestling is a mixed bag. Some people love it and can't get enough of the ultraviolence, while others cringe at the mere thought of things they've heard people do in those kinds of matches. The truth is death match promotions aren't just places for light tubes and barbed wire anymore. Sure, they have a lot of that kinda stuff going on, but they've basically become havens for all different kinds of wrestlers, mainly brawlers who aren't going to show up on the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Best Technical ballot. Then again, sometimes, you will see the prestige grapplers showing up. I mean, Jonathan Gresham is a proud Combat Zone Wrestling alumnus. CZW is the stateside promotion most people think of when it comes to the new generation of extreme, but a new kid has come up on the block a few counties north in the state of New Jersey. Game Changer Wrestling has looked