Your Midweek Links: Only Four Reading Days Before Christmas

Lots of chatter about the women's Rumble
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So, Christmas is almost upon the world. Either you're at your office, whiling down time until you can take off, or you've taken off and are frantically shopping for last minute gifts. Either way, take some time out and read the good stuff. That's right, a whole lot of people are writing bomb-ass shit about pro wrestling. Why don't you settle down, pull up some of these here hyperlinks, and edify yourself before you go crazy from holiday fever?

The YEAR END BLOWOUT is in full effect. Catch up with it here. [The Wrestling Blog]

The women's Royal Rumble was announced Monday, and I had a few thoughts on it, mainly that Stephanie McMahon ruins everything with her bullshit pandering and framing. [The Wrestling Blog]

Nick Piccone also has some thoughts about it, mainly that it's about goddamn time WWE has a Rumble match for its female competitors. [Medium]

Mohamed looked at WWE's 2017 since it's basically over, and he has his own thoughts about how things went down. [Medium]

A big part of that year was the push of Jinder Mahal, and Ian Williams takes a look back at it now that it has ended. [VICE Sports]

Ashly Nagrant takes a look at the women's title scene on Smackdown and on the invasions of both brands by NXT-heavy infiltrators. [Deadshirt]

Wrestling is part physical but also part verbal, and John Corrigan looks at his top ten talkers from 2017. [The Wrestling Estate]

A punk rock show in New York booked wrestling matches with no ring, including Zack Sabre, Jr. vs. Chuck Taylor. David Bixenspan went and reported back. [Deadspin]

Sam DiMascio takes a look back at one of the best matches in indie wrestling from this decade so far, one that included AR Fox and Rich Swann. [Spandex Are Still Cool]

JJ McGee continues his look at the saga of El Generico and Kevin Steen as he reviews their Final Battle 2010 match. [The Spectacle of Excess]

You ever wanted to play the equivalent of Tony Hawk's Skater in wrestling? Christian Patterson says to play Fire Pro Wrestling. [Medium]

NON-WRESTLING #1: It's the Christmas season, so of course Elle Collins went and dream cast a live-action Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. [SyFy Wire]

NON-WRESTLING #2: Rovitz takes the Packers to task for sabotaging their season playing the washed up Aaron Rodgers over Brett Hundley. [HOT SPROTS TAKES]


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